Sim Update 15 Beta: veröffentlicht

Für die Open Beta des Sim Updates 15 wurde eine neue Version ausgerollt. enthält zahlreiche Korrekturen beim Garmin G3X Touch, einigen Glascockpits und Standardflugzeugen wie Cabri G2, Cirrus SR22T, CubCrafters NXCub oder JMB VL-3. Gelöst sind auch bekannte Probleme, die im vorherigen Build aufgetreten waren. Wie z. B., dass Flugzeuge mit Schwimmkörpern nicht auf dem Wasser starten/landen konnten, Flugzeuge, bei denen die Schubumkehr nicht funktionierte oder Segelflugzeuge, bei denen das Ausklinken der Winde zum Absturz der Simulation führte.

Wer sich noch zum Betatest anmelden möchte, der erfährt unter Open-Beta für Sim Update 15 gestartet die entsprechenden Details. Jeder, der am Test teilnimmt, sollte sich allerdings darüber im Klaren sein, dass es sich um eine Beta-Version handelt, also um eine Test-Version, die mitunter zu Problemen führen kann!

Die Versionshinweise für

General Bug Fixes

  • Various crash fixes across the title.
  • Fixed a bug where the replay ingame panel was unintentionally appearing in the toolbar by default.
  • Throttle range expanded to fix reverse thrust issue.


  • Fixed repeatedly required Dune add-on content update


  • Improve usage of available flight aware data to feed live traffic in the sim
  • Increase the maximum number of flight visible in free flight.
  • Improve spawn condition of air traffic planes to Increase live traffic on airport
  • Improve AI behavior of live traffic planes on and around airports

Glass Cockpits

  • Further optimized glass cockpit update logic to better adapt to different framerate situations.

Garmin G3X Touch

  • Added support for GDU reversionary mode.
  • Fixed the display of HOLD legs in the MFD FPL page.
  • Fixed an issue where the dialogs opened by the MFD engine page Fuel Calculator tab always used units of gallons regardless of the Fuel Calculator units setting.
  • The FPL Source button in the PFD Options menu is no longer shown when the G3X is not connected to any external navigators.
  • Fixed an issue where flight plans imported from the world map could sometimes have waypoints in the incorrect order.
  • Fixed broken needle animation on engine circular gauges when the gauge’s minimum scale value was not equal to zero.



  • Fixed 2 bugs that were introduced with the ground handling improvements:
    • Incorrect / broken water or float collisions.
    • Inaccurate high speed impacts on aircraft with retractable gears.

Cabri G2

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Cabri G2 to fail to start after a Ctrl+E

Cirrus SR22T

  • Added and tuned new ground handling parameters
  • Adjusted engine parameters and ECU logic to account for fixed intake density mixture behavior

CubCrafters NXCub

  • Adjusted various EIS and MFD engine page gauges to better reflect real-world engine limitations.
  • Corrected fuel tank capacities (24.5 gal total/23 gal usable per tank).
  • Fixed a formatting issue with the fuel gauge in the MFD engine page’s Fuel Calculator tab.
  • Added Vx speed bug.
  • Adjusted the engine’s max rated horsepower value from 180 to 215 to match the published specifications of the CC393i.

CubCrafters XCub

  • Adjusted various EIS and MFD engine page gauges to better reflect real-world engine limitations.
  • Corrected fuel tank capacities (24.5 gal total/23 gal usable per tank).
  • Fixed a formatting issue with the fuel gauge in the MFD engine page’s Fuel Calculator tab.
  • Added Vx speed bug.


  • Adjusted various EIS and MFD engine page gauges to better reflect real-world engine limitations.
  • Fixed a bug where CHT in the EIS and MFD engine page was displayed in degrees Fahrenheit instead of degrees Celsius.
  • The FUEL PUMP switch is now ON when loading a flight on the runway.

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