MSFS 2024: “Testpiloten” für Sim Update 1 Beta gesucht…
Für den Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 ist die erste öffentliche Beta des Sim Updates 1 verfügbar. In der Beta werden eine Reihe wichtiger Verbesserungen vorgenommen, die die Stabilität, Leistung, und Rückwärtskompatibilität betreffen. Auch allgemeine Fehlerbehebungen wurden vorgenommen.
Wie kann man am Beta-Test teilnehmen?
Microsoft Store PC UND XBOX:
- Die Xbox Insider-App starten (falls nicht vorhanden im Microsoft Store nach „Xbox Insider Hub“ suchen und installieren)…
- In der App „Vorschauen“ öffnen und „Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Beta Preview“ anklicken
- Auf die Schaltflächen „Beitreten“ und dann „Weiter“ klicken.
- Auf Xbox-App klicken. Dort auf „Aktualisieren“ drücken…

Mit dem Start des MSFS 2024 wird automatisch auf die aktuelle Betaversion 1.37.0 upgedatet.

- Steam-Bibliothek öffnen.
- Rechtsklick auf Microsoft Flight Simulator.
- Auf „Eigenschaften“ klicken.
- Auf „Betas“ klicken.
- „flight_sim_2024_beta – Sim Update 01“ wählen.
Vor dem Beitritt zur Beta sollten Nutzer der Microsoft Store PC Version Folgendes berücksichtigen: Es besteht das Risiko, die Simulation neu installieren zu müssen, wenn zwischen Test- und öffentlichen Versionen gewechselt wird. Dieses Risiko ist deutlich geringer, wenn der Simulationsinhalt auf einem benutzerdefinierten Pfad statt im Standardpfad des Spiels installiert wurde. Daher wird empfohlen, den SIM-Inhalt auf einem benutzerdefinierten Laufwerk zu speichern, während die Store-App auf dem Standardlaufwerk (C:) verbleibt. Dies hilft, vollständige Neuinstallationen in der Zukunft zu vermeiden.
Wer der Beta beitritt, bleibt automatisch im Testprogramm, bis er sich aktiv davon abmeldet. Ohne Abmeldung wird auch der nächste Test-Build automatisch bereitgestellt. Zusätzlich sollten Nutzer beachten, dass im Mehrspielermodus nur Benutzer mit demselben Build sichtbar sind.
Im Flightsimulator-Forum wurde wieder ein eigener Forumsbereich eingerichtet, in dem sich Beta-Tester austauschen und über ihre Erfahrungen mit dem SU1 berichten können.

RELEASE NOTES Sim Update 1 –
Stability & Performance
- Fixed a rare crash during airport generation
- Fixed a crash when using ‘Skip to’ feature at beginning of exam
- Fixed a potential crash when switching ON/OFF the VR mode during a flight
- Renamed “Bandwidth” to “Download speed” in FPS debug panel for clarity
- Optimized texture memory usage of WASM gauges
- Fixed a crash when closing the game during package mounting
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the controller was losing inputs if the user went into the filters advanced map layers leaves the sub menu then go back in it
- Fixed an issue where going in the worldmap filters layers would sometimes soft lock the user when going in another page
- Fixed community packages preventing streamed packages with the same name from being found by the sim.
- Fixed UI render issue of items outside of their frame
- The camera panel no longer forces the cockpit view when opened
- Fixed CLOCK_HOURS/MINUTES_INC/DEC events not behaving as expected
- Fixed several time-related issues such as ZULU/CLOCK SET events not behaving as expected
- Fixed usage of real time instead of flight time when initializing switches (fixes light issues when starting a flight with a sim time that is different from the real time)
- Fixed community packages being duplicated inside content.xml on each boot. Already existing duplicates are removed from file on boot.
- Increased screen exposure under heavy cloud cover
Backwards Compatibility Bug Fixes
- Fixed wrong font selected when rendering XML Gauge elements
- Forced 2024 SimVar AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR to return a very high value if requested from a 2020 sim (can happen if referencing an instrument that has been updated in 2024)
- Fixed textures referenced in FX files not properly loaded when the package is streamed
- Emissives brightness fixes
Aircraft Core System
Fuel System
- Fixed an issue causing some aircraft to start with 0 fuel.
Glass Cockpits
- Fixed aircraft icon on the MFD being displayed as a dot instead of an aircraft.
- Fixed LX9070 glass cockpit broken UI when flying the DG1001
- Fixed helicopter CFD / rotor wash aerodynamics issues on edges of platforms.
- Fixed status bar datetime being UTC-1 instead of UTC.
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed missions not starting at the date and time indicated in the briefing
- Fixed unexpected server error occurring when playing a mission at midnight
- Fixed unexpected server error after quickly activating and removing active pause
- Disabled the skip phase button while in active pause
- Fixed step description indicating wrong input for rotor brake activation
- Fixed the step “Announce clear runway” that prevented Player from reaching the maximum score on Airline Procedure objective.
- Removed the ATC step asking to contact the Airport at Arrival if there’s no Control Tower.
- Fixed an issue with ATC steps no longer completing if player exited the aircraft after turning the engine on
- Fixed multiple textual mistakes throughout career and certifications
Agricultural Aviation
- Fixed issues where fields used in Agricultural Aviation were sometimes covered by trees.
- Fixed mission flow not continuing when ATC was speaking at the same time as medical crew before patient check.
- Fixed “Retract landing gears” step appearing during descent phase.
CPL – Commercial Pilot License – Rotorcraft
- Fixed an issue with Player possibly getting stuck after hard landing if skids were broken
IFR – instrument rating
- Fixed aviator performance when landing on the right runway
- Fixed an issue with CDI and transponder not configured properly
Online Services
- Fixed friends plane that sometime does not appear on the worldmap
- Removed Giant Trees from corrupted TIN Areas.
- Fixed a few cases introducing blur in aerials.
- Fixed airport lights not supporting multiples meshes or root orientation.
- Fixed strobe pole rotation.
- Fixed some airport lights spawning with flare but without mesh support.
- When a user enables a content in My Library, the content is now automatically activated and visible in game without the need of a reboot
- Added a popup with loading gauge to feedback on Activation/Deactivation process time
- Fixed swap from a FS2024 item to FS2020 legacy item
- Added the “not creator approved” information when a FS2020 legacy content carried over in the player inventory has not yet been validated by its creator
- Fixed several joystick navigation issues
- Fixed screen reader which was not reading all tags
- Fixed sorting
- Fixed filtering
- Improved and fixed some Localization
Various peripheral fixes
- Fixed use of placeholder image in control settings
- Fixed Rotor trim mapped to the wrong POV in some helicopters default profiles
- Fixed inverted left/right brake axis issue which triggered 100% brake application
- Fixed inconsistent menu mapping for help pages
- Fixed multiple textual mistakes in Helicopter Pedals Training
- Fixed missing engine detent notification to Airliner Landing Training
- Fixed scoring and flow of IFR RNAV Training
- Fixed multiple textual issues throughout Helicopter Training set
Free Flight
- Made so the search bar in the free flight aircraft selection screen now use keywords from all variations of each aircraft model
- Fixed flight condition weather live always available
- Fixed flight condition live player only available when player is in live time/weather
- Fix using always buffered live weather even in custom/preset weather.
- Pilots can now use server UTC live weather with any date.
- Fixed VFS Projector randomly hanging when opening files
- Fixed Material UV animation
Project Editor
- Fix misleading error ‘Cannot open layout.json’ at the beginning of package build inside project editor.
- Fixed Export Items window always exporting all packages from the project instead of only the selected ones.
- Fixed incorrect value for month in revision notes
Scenery Editor
- Fixed build error when a scenery object has both “NoSnow” and “SnapToBuilding” flags
- Fixed backward compatibility with dirt on taxiway parkings
- Fixed incorrect position of building exclusion polygon around taxiway parkings.
- Fixed taxiway parkings building exclusion not updating during edition in Scenery editor.
- Fixed multi edit not working properly for some properties (ex: parking headings).
- Fixed missing shader when an airport light use the material code FakeBingTerrain or geodecal.
- Removed runway landing tire gum for 2020 packages.
- Added option in the exclusion rectangles to remove single trees
- Fixed taxiway signs too bright. Expose the parameter in airport archetype.
SimObject Editor
- Fixed parsing legacy hashmap parameter
- Fixed memory corruption in the Network Aircraft preset of the WASM Aircraft that could lead to the module crashing
- Added new specific object IDs to request data for Aircraft, Avatar or Current user object (SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER_AIRCRAFT, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER_AVATAR, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER_CURRENT)
- Fixed PRESSURIZATION_CABIN_ALTITUDE_GOAL simvar which incorrectly indicated the current altitude.
- Fixed WASM System running in main menu after a flight
- Fixed potential crashes (buffer overflow) when using the Network API to send a PUT HTTP request that returns a body
- Fixed VFX API spawning effects on Avatar when in walkaround mode
- Fixed WASM module not always reloaded on restart
- Fixed not all gauge reload sometimes on restart
- Fixed crash in WASM allocator causing random dirty on allocation
- Fixed a crash in WASM when requesting ICAO in some context
- Fixed WASM module dirty status cleaning not cleaning when restart a WASM that crash during kill callback
- Fixed read from work folder when using Fs IO API
- Fixed the WASI fd_readdir function – it now lists (in a non-recursive way) files that match the provided VFS path and belong to the same package as the WASM module
- Fixed random locks when using the Network extension
- Added Write function in WASM Fs IO API
- Fixed B:Events never received when called only from JS
- 3DSMax:
- Fixed remove IBL Menu when SDK 2020 is installed
- Blender:
- Update plugin for 4.2 LTS
- Fixed alpha mode for Blender 4.2LTS
- Fixed “Reload LODS” for grouped by collection
- Fixed light intensity and light collection when opening a scene
- Fixed lights conversion
- Fixed glass width conversion
- Fixed Blender plugin version
- Fixed Rain options
- Fixed windshield extension
- Fixed set freeze factor to default when we re-open a saved blend scene
- Remove wear overlay UV scale from propeller material
- Fixed maximum values for clear coat normal tiling and clear coat roughness tiling
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