X-Plane 11.51r1 veröffentlicht
X-Plane 11.51r1 (Release Candidate 1) ist jetzt für jeden über die X-Plane Installer und die Steam-Plattform verfügbar. Ein Release Candidate ist eine Art „Vorabversion”, in der bereits alle Funktionen der endgültigen Version schon enthalten sind. Dieses neueste Update enthält eine Vielzahl von Fehlerbehebungen und allerlei neue Flughäfen aus dem Scenery Gateway.
Hier nur einige der neuen Flughäfen, die besonders hervorstechen.

Folgende Fehler sind mit der neuen Version 11.51r1 behoben worden:
Release Candidate 1
- Fixed FMS file not working with X-airports with 7-letter custom ID.
- Actually remove deprecated airports.
- Find orphaned approach transitions that dangle at the end of EGLL.dat in Navigprah cycle 2013.
- Recognize more circling approaches.
- XSG-11071 Misaligned ILS at NZAA.
- XPD-11048 Can’t use ext visuals without the aircraft of the master machine in Vulkan.
- XPD-11079 Fixed inverted normal maps in Vulkan/Metal with HDR off.
- XPD-11092 Fixed cylindrical projection not working on multi-monitor with Vulkan.
Beta 3
- Gateway airports approved as of Nov. 24 added.
- Networking fixes:
- Support clients talking across different IP protocols.
- Fixed erroneous messages about not receiving/replying from exvis machines.
- Fix for potential crash when changing roles.
- XPD-7986 Rain now displays correctly in multimonitor.
Beta 2
- Additional log info to investigate issues with Reverb G2 controllers.
- Additional diagnostics via Aftermath for investigating device loss crashes (requires Nvidia driver 457.09).
- Portuguese translation updated.
- XPD-10194 Updated docs & override datarefs for sling object.
- XPD-11031 Nvidia driver crash in OGL when accessing settings.
Beta 1
- Updated translations for most languages.
- Updated & additional joystick config files.
- Device loss crashes on Vulkan/Windows should be less frequent.
- XPD-10617 CTD when using “regenerate icons for current aircraft (and livery).
- XPD-10836 Device loss crashes on Metal/Mac should be less frequent.
- XPD-11003 Metal has been disabled for Nvidia-based Macs on 10.15 because it hangs.
- XPD-11025 Plane Maker 11.50 breaks the .acf file when periods are changed to commas.
- XPD-11028 Crash in the map.
- XPD-11030 Switching liveries a couple of times crashes X-Plane.
- XPD-11036 Fixed broken mouse cursor in 3-d cockpit with LDR and OGL.
- XPD-11038 Fixed washed out GL movie capture.
- XPD-11044 Fixed missing runway outlines on map.
- XPD-11047 Fixed option for edge blending with no warping.
- XPD-11069 Loading flight plans fails after loading a checklist.
- XPD-10832 Added camera permission string for third party apps
Diese bekannten Fehler sind in der neuesten Version noch nicht behoben:
Known bugs
- First load time with Metal and Vulkan will be surprisingly slow. This is lots of shaders/pipelines compiling for the first time; subsequent runs will be faster.
- XPD-7871 Dark contrails instead of white.
- XPD-8162 Ocean tiles loading slowly & appear to be missing entirely in scenery.
- XPD-9234 Flickering cloud shadows on the ground.
- XPD-9388 Software hangs upon exit when using VR.
- XPD-9729 Contrails and wing condensation missing in replay.
- XPD-10506 First run shader creation is super slow.
- XPD-10616 Water reflection off if wave height is non zero.
- XPD-10653 ‘Heat’ turbulence in front of engine.
- XPD-10690 Blue geometric shapes that appear when scenery is missing.
- XPD-10709, XPD-10868 Plugin OpenGL drawing artifacts under Windows with Vulkan on AMD GPUs.
- XPD-11010 CTD in VR when Windows Mixed Reality button is pressed on either controller.
- XPD-11084 HP Reverb G2 Controller issues.
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